Item: 2.1
Heddon 100 high forehead c. 1905,
green crackleback, brass cup rig, two belly weights, excellent minus.
Correct paperwork, correct wood
"Hung!" box in excellent minus condition
Item: 2.2
Heddon 100 green crackleback. c.
1909, lure. Wood box, type V, marked 100, with paper, excellent

Item 2.3
Heddon 101 early rainbow, c. 1908
blunt nose, cup rig, unmarked props, mint condition. Wood box, type V,
marked 101 is excellent
Item: 2.4
Heddon 102 slate, c. 1908, cup rig,
exc. minus condition due to belly wt. Type V box is excellent plus
Item: 2.5
Heddon 104 blended red, cup rig, c.
1906, exc. minus condition, Type V box, in excellent condition. An
early and more rare color in the correct box.
Item: 2.6
Heddon 105, old yellow, c.1908
bluntnose, no name on prop, cup rig, one belly weight, excellent
condition. Correct marked type 5 wood box in very good plus
Item: 2.7
Heddon 107, sienna crackleback, cup
rig, no name on prop, c. 1907. Excellent minus condition. Wood
box is correctly marked and in excellent condition, rare two way thumbnail

Item: 2.8
Heddon 109, rare gold flitter, cup rig, no
name on prop, c. 1908 in excellent condition. Type V wood box,
correctly marked, very good condition with paper.