AntiqueLures |
This page is constantly updated...
Gabby Talkington
Phone number, mailing, and e-mail Contact information
Here's a flow chart to help you determine what age and grade lure you have if you don't know
Names of some companies or makers we want to buy for this collection Heddon 'Dowagiac' Shakespeare PfluegerSouth Bend Creek ChubExamples of Lure prices and more types wanted Click to see more Wanted... Page Two: Monarchs | Wood Box Lures | Frogs | Boxes | Shakespeare | South Bend |
Pflueger Monarch Four Brothers minnow
Paying $600 and up for Monarch minnows with boxes in excellent condition
Click here for detailed Contact information regarding selling your lures
Wanted:Creek Chub lures and boxes
Wee Dee | Weed Bug | Husky Musky | Beetles | Wagtail Chub | Creek Bug Wigglers
Flyrod Pikies | Fintail Shiner | Wigglefish | Gar | Sarasota | Sucker | Tarpon Pikie
All kinds of Creek Chub lures: wood and plastic wanted
If you don't find what you want to sell on this page... Call me!!!!
Reasons you might not want to sell your lures on eBay
Heddon Dowagiac underwater minnows with boxes
Paying $600 and up for underwater minnows in Heddon wood or white cardboard boxes in excellent condition
Examples of Lure prices and more types wanted
Paying $300 and up for underwater minnows in excellent conditon
Shakespeare 3 or 5 hook underwater minnows wanted $$$$$$$
Click to see more Wanted... Page Two:
3 or 5 hook Musky size lures
Musky Musky Musky
Heddon, Shakespeare, Pflueger, South Bend, etc. High $$$ lures
Paying $850 and up...way up, for Musky baits in excellent condition!
By Shakespeare, Pflueger, Heddon, or South Bend
Click here for detailed Contact information regarding selling your lures
Heddon Spindivers and boxes marked in 3000 range
Paying $400 and up for Spindivers in excellent conditon!
A photo and story tribute to some of the people who placed items in this collection for everyone to enjoy
Click here for detailed Contact information regarding selling your lures into this collection. Purchases are private and discrete. All transaction information is kept in strict confidence. Payments available by bank draft, cashier's check, or wire transfer.
Examples of more Lure prices and more types wanted
Click to see more Wanted... Page Two:
- Please read: How to grade your antique lures!
- Factors which effect the grade of our lures
- Identify the type of eyes your lure has: glass or tack?
- Identify your Heddon lure by the hardware and date the box
- Identify Shakespeare hardware
Photos and information to identify lures and boxes:
- Shakespeare: Shakespeare lures and boxes
- Heddon: Heddon lures and boxes
- Pflueger: Pflueger lures and boxes
- South Bend: South Bend lures
Click on any photo to enlarge it
Wanted: Pre-1940 wood and cardboard lure boxes
How to grade your lure boxes
Heddon box number examples
Prices for Heddon boxes wanted
Prices for Pflueger boxes wanted
Prices for Shakespeare boxes wanted
Prices for Creek Chub boxes wanted
How to tell the difference between a Heddon, Pflueger, and South Bend underwater minnow.
Click the underlines to see more Wanted... Page Two:
Photos of Creek Chub lures I want to buy, looking for all pre-1960 lures and boxes, wood and plastic.
Flyrod lures and boxes I want to buy
"Paper": brochures and catalogs wanted from pre-1940 companies
Detailed Contact information regarding selling your lures
Photos of early miscellaneous boxes and lures which I need or want to sure to look through this list carefully as the BIG dollar lures can be seen here...
Wanted: Lures, boxes, catalogs, advertising, or brochures by smaller and miscellaneous companies like these... see photos here
- Flood Minnow
- Charmer Minnow Co
- Ans. B. Decker
- Detroit Bait Co.
- North Channel Minnow
- Detroit Glass Minnow tube
- Jim Donaly
- Enterprise Mfg. Co.
- Pflueger
- Haas Tackle Co.
- Riley Haskel metal lure
- Chippewa lure
- Kalamazoo Fishing Tackle
- Shakespeare
- H.C.Kaufman Co.
- Harkauf Minnow
- Fred C. Keeling Co.
- Woods Expert
- Moonlight Bait Co.
- Outing Mfg. Co.
- Fred A. Pardee
- Joe E. Pepper
- Pontiac Mfg. Co.
- Louis Rhead
- Heddon
- Fred Rhodes
- Shakespeare Tackle Co.
- Vann-Clay
- Welch & Graves glass tube
- Wilson Bait Co.
- Clinton Wilt Mfg. Co.
- Winchester Co.
- F.C.Woods Co.
- F.G.Worden Bait Co.,
Call or e-mail for prices on miscellaneous company lures and boxes like these...
Examples of Lure prices and more types wanted
Call to discuss items you wish to sell only please
Private and Discrete. All information is kept in strict confidence.
Detailed Contact information regarding selling your lures